Monday, October 19, 2009

New Tutorial ~ Heart to Heart Earrings

Hi gals,

Hope everyone's in the pink of health. This post is to let you know that Mei of has just came out with a new tutorial called Heart to Heart Earrings. She's giving a 30% discount and free tutorial (terms and conditions apply).

I was surfing the net on wire jewelry one day a long time ago and 'stumbled' on her blog. It was from her that I got my very first tutorial (Rose, Rose I Love You) and that started to inspire and motivate me to continue my passion for wire jewelry. Since then, I've got most of her tutorials. The technique she uses includes wrapping, weaving and coiling. Her tuts are very easy to follow, complete with step by step well written instructions and clear photographs to guide you to complete the project.

So.... what are you waiting for? Go ahead and check out her blog now.

Have a cheerful day,

~ Emily ~

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